Posted by: caffeevino | September 6, 2008

Political Ponderings

I feel a small rant coming on.

I try not to only watch Foxnews. I do think they are the most balanced of all the choices but I still try to get my news from multiple sources. So tonight as I got home I switched on CNN hoping to get some legitimate news. Instead I got to hear about how Lindsey Lohan and P. Diddy feel about politics. Don’t get me wrong, they are citizens and have just as much of a right to discuss politics but the fact that CNN is highlighting their rants in a political discussion is just stupid in my opinion. Most celebs haven’t graduated high school. Most celebs only get the attention because they are famous. I didn’t know fame made you an expert on political ideas and movements. I mean I’m just as much as a citizen as LiLo and Diddy but I doubt that my remarks on my blog will be posted on the news.

While I don’t think either party has particularly amazing people running for office this year I do see that one party actually has people in it that do their job. Obama talks alot about change but no one knows what change he’s already made. He votes “present” on most of his votes. What a joke! I don’t vote for people to NOT take a stand. He talks a lot of change but he hasn’t made any! Can anyone tell me a major change he has made while in office? The state he represents is corrupt and he’s done nothing to change it. Palin actually turned around her state….I don’t think she’s perfect but she has stood up to corruption and made some actual changes in her state.

Also Obama obviously has problems with his education regarding the office he wants to hold and is also unaware of the beliefs of many Americans:
-He claimed that he’d hold office for “ten years” … um I think you can only serve 8 or do you plan to make that CHANGE to the law while in office?
-He claimed that Americans can all agree on Abortion and Gay Marriage … most conservatives do not agree that abortion or gay marriage is ok nor do they agree with Obama on the subject.
-He refuses to admit he is wrong on something (he won’t admit that the surge has work which it very obviously has) and I feel like that is just arrogant. We don’t need more arrogant leaders. I like that McCain can admit he’s made mistakes.
-He shows a lack of class by finally agreeing to interviews with Bill O’Reilly … during the RNC. This is rude given that McCain didn’t pull any stunts during the DNC and even congratulated him afterwards. Maybe Obama couldn’t handle leaving the spot light for a few days.
-He wants to help the economy but I keep hearing that he wants to raise taxes. I don’t understand how taking more money away from us and pumping it into a government which has a possible 30% fraud rate or is unable to account for that percentage of our hard earned money that they take from us, will help us pay our bills and encourage economic activity.

I have not completely made up my mind on Palin or McCain for that matter. So far Palin has her pros and cons. She’s pro-life. That’s a big deal to me. I feel that if we do not value the lives of those who cannot speak up for themselves that we have lost some level of dignity and respect for human life as a whole. I do not like that people get killed on any field whether in war or for punishment for such things as murder, but at least those people have chosen to defend our country or chosen to disobey the rules of society and the law of the land. The baby chose nothing and should not be punished simply because its parents are so irresponsible and immature that they want to be able to participate in activities that include risk but be able to remove the consequences.

So far I don’t know much more about this woman who wishes to lead our country but I have heard it mentioned that she is a fiscal conservative and has made drastic changes in Alaska which was once very corrupt. I have also heard that she has made mistakes and is under investigation for trying to fire someone who didn’t do her bidding. One of my co-workers has family in Alaska and they all really like her and speak very highly of her and the CHANGE she has created in her home state.

I’m still waiting to hear about the CHANGE and HOPE that Obama has created already while in the Senate…

Still waiting…

Maybe I’m just missing it. 🙂

If any of you do know some change that Obama has made I really do want to hear about it so please comment. I’m serious. I want to hear some intellengent arguments about why we should elect him, not just that we need to change which party is in charge (I mean just look at how low the approval rating of congress is now that it is democratic majority…it’s lower than Bush’s rating) or that he makes people excited or has vaguely spoken about and promised CHANGE….those are not good reasons to appoint someone to the highest office of the land. Please tell me something worth while.

Peace and Blessings.


  1. Have you seen the video clip of Obama mentioning how many states he’s visited? It’s not a joke or hoax; he plainly states that has traveled to every corner of the country. Then he says “I’ve been in, uh, 57 states, and I think have one more to go.”

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